Trying hard to not keep up with the Joneses in 2005.

The Lost Weekend

I've done the grand total of nothing this weekend. Well, nothing particular to this blog, at least. On Friday I went to my first-ever NBA game and witnessed two things that I never thought I would see in person: 1) Cap'n Crunch and the Captain Morgan pirate teaming up together with Ronald McDonald to defeat a pair of inflatable Miller beer bottles and a Pepsi can in a game of three-on-three basketball; and 2) an NBA player airball a free-throw. The later distinction belongs to Washington Wizards forward Michael Ruffin, a former Chicago Bull. He completed his feat against his former team, as the Bulls beat the Wizards 97-90 at the United Center in Chicago. I received the tickets as a Christmas gift from my friend, who accompanied me to the game. I gotta say, I would never, ever, spend $45 of my own money on a ticket to sit that far from the action in a cramped seat. It's a good thing I don't suffer from vertigo, like Jimmy Stewart. (Of course, I'm not entirely convinced of how much actual suffering Stewart endured in the arms of Kim Novak.)

Saturday was a relaxing bore, although I did get to see the Oscar-nominated Scorsese flik The Aviator. Among other things, it was LONG. Methinks Scorsese, who has never won an Oscar for best director, will garner the sympathy vote tonight. Speaking of this evening, I'll be attending an Oscar party. Last year I took home last place in the Oscar pool, which may not sound like a feat, but I did win my five bucks back! Tonight I'll try to reverse the curse and go worst to first. No more going with who I want to see win, which means Paul Giamatti and Sideways won't be getting any nods from me on major categories. Wish me luck!

Later today I will try to post next week's MP3s of the Week. In honor of the Oscars, I'll be posting some of my favorite soundtrack selections of note. Ciao.

N/P--M. Ward, Transistor Radio


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