Trying hard to not keep up with the Joneses in 2005.

Year Without Music, update

(If you have no clue what "Year Without Music" means, see this.)

Today’s theme music: “Dead Man,” by M. Ward.

Oh, I’m not doing so well these days. I’ve caught myself on numerous occasions staring—with bloodshot, lustful eyes—at the new release section of my favorite online music vendors. I’m desperately selling albums that up until this year I never really considered giving up--just so I can fuel the fire. I’ve even purchased the same record--twice--in the past month. I found an import copy of T. Rex’s Prophets, Seers, and Sages and snapped it up, since it was on my January wish list. Then, two weeks later, I found a remastered version with a disc of bonus material--at the same store! I bought it, too. Now I’m selling the import on eBay.

February has not been kind to me. I still need to get the new Iron & Wine EP, the new Dead Meadow, and the new M. Ward. And that's just off the top of my head.

I can feel myself sliding into that mighty void. The cold, damp grasp of Death has a hold of my hand and is leading me to pasture, where I presume all musicaholics eventually end up. (Not that I’m dreading this, however; I hear that this pasture looks a helluva lot like the inside of Amoeba Music.) Oh, woe is me. I’m a failure without a stitch of discipline in my spine. I’d never make it as a monk. I’d rape & murder & steal--sell me shrine, even--just to have one more day with Suicide’s debut LP.

I know how they feel...

I identify with the zombies in Shaun of the Dead who are attacked by flat-mates Ed and Shaun. The protagonists’ choice of weapon as they battle the zombies in their own backyard?


I feel like those zombies. Yes! Yes! YES! Feed me more records. Keep flinging ‘em at me. I can’t stand it. I want death by LP!

But, alas, there are others like me in this world—other troubled souls who wander aimlessly through the mean streets with foam seeping from the corners of their mouths, never sure if they are doing the suckering, or if they are the sucker. Today, I found proof.

Thank you, William Bowers. May we find strength in unity.

N/P--Television Personalities, Yes Darling, But Is it Art?


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